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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

New England Utopia Rules

 1) Everyone is equal.

 2)Equal amount of everything this includes land, food, and houses.

3) Three meals a day and snack -

7:00 am - Breakfast: medium sized meal
12:00 noon-  Lunch: small sized meal
1:00-4:00- snacks will be given if needed
6:30-Dinner-  large sized meal

4) If you break the rules 3 times you get kicked out of the utopia.

5) Only elders can control the decisions and government.

6) War and violence are prohibited.

7) Jealousy is not allowed.

8) Must work at least 2 hours within the community. 

9) Must not pollute the utopia.

10) Contibute to the utopia.


1 comment:

  1. I think that the rules made for this utopia were well thought of. Giving a person 3 chances to prove they should stay in the community seems like a good idea to keep your community well balanced.
