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Monday, October 15, 2012

Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Independence

The reason why we formed our own separate Utopia was to get away from the real world.  One reason was because we thought that the government in the real world was unfair.  In our Utopian society we have a council of Elders who are chosen to run the society as government leaders. They are chosen because they are the oldest and wisest to lead our society.  Another reason why we created the New England Utopia was because in the real world their society was always jealous of other people and what they had for example clothing. Also in the real world there was to much violence, war and crime.  In our society we will not have violence, war and crime or jealousy because everyone will be treated the same and everyone will be given the same amount of everything. 

We believed that we needed to form a "more perfect" society because we want our Utopia to be a safe and fun place with no worries. Also because we want our government to make the correct decisions for our society.  With having a set meal  everyone eats the same meal at the same time. It will also prevent hunger and famine and everyone will be healthy.  With the restricted amount of children per family it will control the population and the amount of food cultivated.  Also in out society we grow our own food unlike in the  real world they grow there food but get it from people and places all over the world.  With all of these changes from the real world we know that we will have a successful society.

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