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Monday, October 15, 2012

Governing Body

                                                                      Governing Body

In our governing body everybody must be equal to the community. There will be no higher rankings in our utopia so no jealousy creates in the community. All of the elders get to make the decisions in the community. We decided to make the elders make our decisions because they are much more wise than adults and children. Everyone in the community gets the same amount of food, water, and attention. All of our food is produced within the community so there is no trade. In this utopia everybody must work for the community not themselves. There will be no currency in this community everything is free. We have created a three strike warning system so if you create problems, violence, and disrespect towards others you will be warned but on your third strike you and your family will be be excommunicated and thrown out of our community.

1 comment:

  1. The governing body seems simple and effective. The govening body is very straight forward. good job.
